Friday, December 12, 2008

Last of Autumn, First of Winter
A few more shots from a fading autumn landscape, plus another document-ing the arrival of our Christmas cardinal a few weeks back. God's creations from His craftroom we call Earth are a feast for my eyes, and everytime I am lucky enough to find a new piece of His artwork (which is ALL the time) - whether it's something as simple and straightforward as this fading berry with its golden leaves, or a vision as complex and breathtaking as the Grand Canyon - I am filled with such hope and peace, and the feeling that no matter what trials and tribulations we may be facing, no matter how difficult life can get. ALL IS TRULY RIGHT in the big scheme of things.

Sappy? Maybe, but it truly is how I feel! And I am so blessed to be living in a part of the country where the changing of the seasons is so evi-dent... Observing the cycle of life in nature is another faith-affirming experience for me. Now I know I'm veer-ing off the paper-crafting path with these "Faith & Nature" essays, but I would love to get some feedback on this...Am I in the minority when it comes to feeling that these simple, everyday images - images that are surrounding us in abundance but that we take for granted if we even notice them at all - are anything but miraculous and stunning!?


Jeannie said...

Erin I cannot even begin to tell you how beautiful these pictures are! I need art on my walls, are you willing sent out copies? I hope all is well with you!


Jeannie said...

Erin? Where are you?


kadie said...

Erin, Thanks for your comment on my blog and for directing me to yours. These photos are fantastic!! Can't wait to pop in when you have a new card or photo up! Stay in touch!